Please note, we take your phone number (whatsapp number) and Email address only to send you a one time password for completing the verification. No where in the app will is it ever possible for your personal and sensitive information to go on a display, unless you post them. The app is highly secure and is constantly monitored (24/7) for miscreants and Violation of community guidelines. We do not even sell the user information as it is totally against our ethics! So do not even try to offer us the same. This app is designed and developed with a sole purpose to bring together all the transgender persons in the world to a safer platform and give them the freedom to express themselves without any fear. Trans individuals will also be able to connect with the doctors in case if they are willing to transition. The app also has a feature for trans individuals to maintain a timeline of their transition.LocatorConsidering the requirement and call of time when a trans individual suffers loneliness more than anything else, heres the feature where they can locate other trans people online, and become friends with them. This function is absolutely safe and only the one using this function at the time will be visible on the map and not all the time. ChatTrans individuals can now chat in real time with their friends in the app without any kind of restrictions. TimelineEither for your own self, or to inspire others, trans individuals can maintain a transition timeline and allow or disallow others from viewing it. DoctorsIn case if there is a need for transitioning, trans individuals will be able to request for an appointment directly with the doctors in the field.IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE AND WILL ALWAYS REMAIN TO BE